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Blast Furnace Trough Materials (Trough Mix)



The flow rate of molten metal and slag through the trough system increase many times in case of larger blast furnaces. To get good campaign life special attention must be given to both refractory lining and design i.e. trough geometry and cooling system. The trough design is based on fluid flow characteristics along with thermo-chemical reactions. The important parameters of the geometry would be - length, width, depth at drainage point, distance between iron and slag over-flow, skimmer opening dimensions, and side-wall angle. Each of the above parameters affects the campaign life of the furnace trough if not designed properly. Cooling helps to bring down the hot face temperature, and thus the wear by way of chemical attack, infiltration and thermal stresses.

Development of sophisticated materials and innovative installation and repair techniques now make it possible to hold hot metal in today’s deep pooling type iron troughs for a week or more without draining for maintenance. In this area the traditional graphitic high alumina ramming masses used in the past have been replaced by high quality, low moisture, metal or organic fiber containing  castables with  Al2O3 - SiC - C as the standard refractory base material (dry ramming masses / gunning compound / ULCC) for troughs. The important physical properties for this material are - thermal expansion, hot strength and thermal conductivity. The following shows the role of different constituents of trough mix (material).
Table: Role of different components in the
Blast Furnace Trough Mix (Refractory)
Alumina components
=> Volume stability
=> Wear resistance
Silicon Carbide (SiC)
=> Wear resistance
=> Oxidation resistance
=> Slag penetration resistance
=> Spalling resistance
=> Slag penetration resistance
=> Oxidation resistance
=> Hot MOR
=> Hot MOR
=> Binding strength

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6 on: "Blast Furnace Trough Materials (Trough Mix)"
  1. hello sir.. i am Gagan Singh..
    today while searching on refractory business i visited your blog.. first of all thanks a lot for providing almost all the required information on the topic at one place..

    sir presently i am in a business of Brick manufacturing in Punjab.. it is a simple one and we manufacture bricks of same size and dimensions generally for housing purposes..

    i am in a plan of expanding our operations.. for that i need your valuable guidance plz tell me are these two businesses are linked in any way... and if yes than i can i proceed.. in wait of your valuable reply.. thank you...

    Gagan Singh

  2. Dear Gagan,

    From your comment it seems that you are manufacturing red bricks used for housing purposes.
    See, red bricks and refractory bricks are different products used for different purposes and so having different customers and market. The raw materials, machinaries and manufacturing processes required for them are also different.

    You are welcome to ask for any help in the field of refractories.


  3. thank you sir for your valuable input.
    sir as u mentioned that these two businesses are different from each other. i want to know that how difficult it is to enter in this market segment. do one need any special type of expertise before entering into it..or the type of experience which i have would work if i am planning for a small scale refractory business.. thank you..

    Gagan Singh

  4. Dear Gagan,
    Yes, since refractories are specialised products with many qualities and application techniques for anybody entering into it I think, expertise as well as technical guidance in this field is a must. Even those who are already in this field for many years take expert's help.

  5. This is very nice post. You put so informative thoughts in this post. I really like it.

    Ramming Mass
